Walking around the Isle of Wight

  • 69 miles of walking
  • in 24 hours (or until we finish!)

Our aim is to walk around the Isle of Wight in a single walk.

Last year we did the 3 Peaks, this year we wanted a challenge!!!

Why are we doing it?

Well, we all have personal reasons for doing it - and they have nothing to do with having a mid-life crisis - but what unites us is a desire to challenge ourselves and to raise some money for our two chosen charities.

We are hoping that you will sponsor us to raise money for either Help The Heroes or Cancer Research UK, and you can find more details about these charities and links to online giving websites at the bottom of this page.

We also think its going to be fun - no we really do!

Cancer Research UK

more info


Help for Heros

more info
